Jull Street Mall Improvement Project
Consultation has concluded
Construction timeline (Latest update 26 Sept)
Following some unexpected delays including heavy rainfall in early September, improvement works on Jull St Mall are now in their final stages with all works planned for completion by mid-October.
We are grateful to the local community and local businesses for their patience while we finalise these improvement works.
Jull Street Mall landscape and lighting upgrades are well underway
Construction works for the Jull St Mall landscape and lighting upgrades started on Monday 17 June. Work will occur on weekdays between 6.00am and 4.00pm.
All businesses are open and accessible while the works are underway, so while you might see our temporary fencing around the work site please don't let it interfere with your usual shopping routine!
Every effort will be made to minimise disruption to adjacent businesses and community as much as possible, however, there may be some noise and dust during this period for nearby residents and businesses.The primary hours of work will be on weekdays from 6.00am to 4.00pm.
What is the Jull Street Mall upgrade?
The upgrade of the mall is just one of a number of projects working towards the development of a vibrant and active link through the heart of the City Centre.
This space will be critical in connecting the Shopping Precinct and adjacent businesses with the new Armadale Train Station and elevated viaduct (a METRONET project that began in late-2023), the new Armadale TAFE Campus (under construction and due to be completed in 2025), and the recently opened $89M Courthouse & Police Complex.
So, what improvements can you expect to see as part of these Jull Street Mall enhancements?
- Upgraded street furniture throughout the mall, with new seating options and bike racks (complete)
- Improved safety with enhanced lighting (complete)
- Replacement of existing light poles with suspended catenary lighting and multi function poles
- Greening the mall with the introduction of beautiful, soft landscape areas
- Paving remediation works
You can check out the concept plan here
Reporting Incidences;
It is important to note community safety is an ongoing pursuit of the City. As such the City currently provides daily security patrols to Jull Street Mall to help address anti-social behaviour in the area. However collaboration from our community members, residents and businesses is required, to report matters to Police.
Reporting matters to the Police has a two-fold effect: Police have the power to enforce laws and take appropriate action, and all reports to Police contribute to valuable statistics that can help the City advocate for further resources and support. Your assistance in reporting antisocial behaviour to the police will assist.
Do you have any questions or concerns about the improvement works? Let us know and we'll get an answer for you!