How long will construction take?

    Approximately 10 weeks, from July to September 2024.

    Will pedestrians still be able to walk through the space?

    Yes! The team will be managing works to ensure the community can still maintain access through the mall.

    Will businesses remain open?


    How will the City improve safety in the mall?

    With improved lighting, security, and by maintaining open sight lines.

    Has the City considered reinstating single lane traffic through the mall?

    Yes, however research showed that reopening the mall to vehicular traffic would make marginal improvement to public safety, in addition to having detrimental impact to the established London Plane trees in the area.

    Underground services would have to be upgraded as well as paving replacements to make them suitable for vehicular traffic. Most importantly; in order to revitalise the Jull Street Mall, it was identified that the City should work towards increasing the density of its City Centre with more people working, living, studying, and visiting the area.

    This will be done by attracting investment for transformational projects such as those outlined in the City Investment Framework and its Advocacy Priorities Strategy.

    What is being done about antisocial behaviour?

    The City established daily community liaison patrols provided by a private security contractor specific to the Jull Street Mall. These are in place 7 days from 9:00am to 5:00pm (peak pedestrian time). 

    The City works closely with the WA Police particularly in the management of CCTV footage and the intervention of the Cycling patrols. 

    The City continues to advocate for high quality open public spaces with METRONET, as they continue with the Armadale Train Station redevelopment. These public spaces should be delivered with a range of self-activation uses such as youth space, public art, exercise areas, and a regional destination playground, all included in the design of the area adjacent to the Jull Street Mall. 

    How will the City be improving lighting through the space?

    The project will replace the existing light poles through the mall with suspended catenary lighting which will fold through the space. Existing colour changing uplights and sculpture lighting have also been repaired and are now fully operational.

    Will the existing London Plane trees be impacted by the works?

    No, The City will ensure the existing trees are retained and protected as part of the landscape enhancement works and will be provided more space to maximise their ability to flourish within the urban environment.

    Are these works part of the METRONET Byford Rail Extension Project?

    No, the Jull Street Mall landscape and lighting upgrade works is a project delivered by the City of Armadale.