What is ‘Public Open Space’?
Public Open Space refers to land managed or owned by the council that is open to the public for activities like walking, cycling, dog walking, sports, play, and community events. It is usually zoned as 'Reserve for Recreation' or 'Reserve for Recreation and Drainage'.
What does the City currently do under the Parks Facility Strategy ?
The Strategy is a framework to guide the improvement and management of open space in regards to the provision of park recreation facilities (i.e. bins, playgrounds)
The Strategy informs an implementation plan, which over the last 5 years has undertaken the upgrade of a number of local parklands.
When can we expect my local park to be upgraded? Or how do you decide which park will be upgraded first?
The Strategy will provide guidance on which parks require improvement and will rationalise which parks will be prioritised. Following approval of the strategy and associated improvement plan funding will be sought to implement improvements. Additional funding maybe required via grants, therefore timing maybe be reliant on external factors.
What if the public don’t agree with the changes?
The Strategy is a framework and aims to ensure equal provision of park facilities to the community. This also means balancing what the City can manage and maintain within its current and future resourcing. Therefore, there is potential the public will want more facilities within the local park that the City cannot accommodate. Equally some residents may want less or different facilities within their nearby park.
Whilst the City is committed to working with the community to develop this strategy, a balance will need to be meet in consideration of resourcing, maintenance, safety and noise considerations.