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Cat Local Law - Nuisance

Cat Local Law - Permit for Keeping Cats
Cat Local Law - Permit for Keeping Cats
Cat Local Law - Nuisance
Cat Local Law - Nuisance
Cat Local Law - Cat Prohibited Areas
Cat Local Law - Cat Prohibited Areas
Caring for Country: managing cats
Caring for Country: managing cats
This animation was co-developed by Animal Management in Rural and Remote Indigenous Communities and the Threatened Species Recovery Hub. It is narrated by Jimmy Edgar (winner of the 2013 NAIDOC Caring for Country award), from Yawuru and Karrijarri country. The aim of the animation is to highlight that while cats are important companion animals, their population must be managed, to reduce the risks of cats transmitting pathogens to native wildlife, people and livestock, and reduce impacts to wildlife. We hope that it is useful for sharing knowledge on cats and their impacts, especially in remote communities.
Cat-borne diseases and their impacts on human health
Cat-borne diseases and their impacts on human health
A new study has quantified the human health impacts and costs of cat-dependent diseases in Australia for the first time. Lead author Professor Sarah Legge from the Australian National University and the University of Queensland discusses toxoplasmosis, cat round worm and cat scratch disease and their impacts on Australia. The research was undertaken by the Threatened Species Recovery Hub of the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Program. It has been published in the peer reviewed scientific journal Wildlife Research (https://doi.org/10.1071/WR20089).
Cat-borne diseases and their impacts on agriculture and livestock in Australia
Cat-borne diseases and their impacts on agriculture and livestock in Australia
A national study has found that diseases carried by cats are having a $12 million impact on Australian agriculture each year with the sheep industry the worst impacted. The study was undertaken by the Threatened Species Recovery Hub of the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Program. Watch Prof Sarah Legge from the Australian National University briefly outline the findings. More details are available in this research findings summary factsheet: https://bit.ly/cat_impacts_on_ag The research has been published by CSIRO publishing in the peer-reviewed scientific journal Wildlife Research.