Why is the skate park being removed

    Following extensive feedback from local residents and stakeholders and a subsequent Council meeting held in May 2022, it has been determined that the area in which Barossa Skate Park currently resides, be repurposed to a more passive landscaped environment. As such, the skate park is to be removed and replaced with landscaping, providing the community with a quiet natural environment to enjoy.


    The decision was in response to a recent independent assessment of the noise attributed to the facilities than permitted. Numerous alternatives have been considered in the process however no other ‘active’ solutions were deemed viable.


    Will another skate park be built nearby?

    The City recently sought community input into the development of Outdoor Youth Facility Provision study in Harrisdale and Piara Waters. Further information on this survey can be found at https://engage.armadale.wa.gov.au/harrisdale-piara-waters-outdoor-youth-facilities

     Any future skate park plans will be contingent on a suitable location and any potential funding sources.

    Council has yet to make a decision on specific projects and timelines. We are currently in the concept stage, and project completion is contingent on community support, Council approval, detailed design, and funding. It is expected that a combination of external and council funding will be required.

    What is being removed?

    The current skate park and basketball hoop and backboard will be removed. 


    When will work commence?

    There is no set date at this time, but the conversion work is expected to begin around the first quarter of 2023. 

    The majority of the work will consist of earthworks to remove the existing skate park features, landscaping, and modifications to the park infrastructure that has been retained.

    Can I submit my own petition to keep the skate park?

    Petitions inform the Council, in a public way, of the views of a section of the community and serve as one means of placing community concerns before Council. Care must be taken in the wording of petitions as the City requires certain information and content to be included to be a valid petition.

    Electors of the City of Armadale, may petition the Council to take some form of action over a particular issue. For example, petitions may ask the Council to change an existing policy, local law or recent decision, or for the Council to take action for a certain purpose or for the benefit of particular persons. The subject of a petition however must be a matter on which the Council has the power to act. For instance a petition cannot request the Council to improve hospital services, as this is a State Government responsibility.

    The following information is available on our website and can be accessed via the below links. 

    Petition Form - https://www.armadale.wa.gov.au/sites/default/files/assets/documents/docs/Committees_and_Groups/Petition_Template.pdf 

    Council and Committee Meetings - Find out about Council and Committee meetings. Information on meeting dates, public question time and petitions to Council is also provided - https://www.armadale.wa.gov.au/sites/default/files/assets/documents/docs/Committees_and_Groups/Standing_Committees_of_Council_2021-2023.pdf
