City of Armadale Youth Survey

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If you're 12 - 25 years old and live, work or play in the City of Armadale, share your thoughts. Your voice matters!

We want to know what you value and what you're concerned about.

We're really keen to hear what the City can do to support you and what activities you'd like to be a part of. Your answers will help shape future programs and services directly benefiting you!

Complete the survey below 👇

If you're 12 - 25 years old and live, work or play in the City of Armadale, share your thoughts. Your voice matters!

We want to know what you value and what you're concerned about.

We're really keen to hear what the City can do to support you and what activities you'd like to be a part of. Your answers will help shape future programs and services directly benefiting you!

Complete the survey below 👇

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.
    Share City of Armadale Youth Survey on Facebook Share City of Armadale Youth Survey on Twitter Share City of Armadale Youth Survey on Linkedin Email City of Armadale Youth Survey link
Page last updated: 29 Dec 2024, 12:19 PM