What is a Tourism Strategy?
The City of Armadale's new tourism strategy is designed to promote the region's best assets, to increase visitation to the area and boost the visitor economy. It will focus on showcasing the natural assets of the region by identifying key areas for development and growth such as Agri-tourism, Aboriginal Tourism, Tracks and Trails and Arts, Culture and Heritage. The also strategy aims to offer solutions to tourism challenges such as limited accommodation and tourism product.
Why do we need a Tourism Strategy?
As a key driver of many local economies, it is important for the City of Armadale to recognise its tourism potential and prepare accordingly. With vision and strategic planning, we will help to influence new and diversified businesses, create jobs, strengthen our connections to Aboriginal culture as well as celebrate and preserve the region's natural and heritage assets. The strategy aims to promote Armadale and surrounds as an attractive and interesting place for people to visit.
What has been done so far?
Research has been undertaken into past strategic plans; studies into current trends driving the tourism economy (post-pandemic) and identifying the Local Government priorities aligning with National and State Government plans and priorities, where possible to leverage financial support through grants and specialised funding pools. The City of Armadale Tourism Development Specialist has consulted with internal and external stakeholders to establish areas of focus for improvement and/or development.
What will happen next?
Once the community survey has closed for responses, the data will be analysed and used to assist in formulating the priorities for the new City of Armadale Tourism strategy.
The new Tourism Strategy will be presented to Council for endorsement at the end of May 2023. Once the strategy has been adopted, work will commence to role out the initiatives identified as key to the region's tourism economy.
Where can I get more information?
If you would like more information regarding the new Tourism Strategy, please send your query or comment via email to: info@armadale.wa.gov.au