Lot 500 Anstey Road, Forrestdale

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Submissions closed.

Feedback closes: Thursday, 1 June 2023 at 4pm (AWST)

Proposed Structure Plan Amendment No. 1 – Anstey-Keane Urban Development Precinct East Structure Plan

The City of Armadale has received a proposed amendment (Amendment No.1) to the approved Anstey Keane Urban Development Precinct East Structure Plan. Proposed Amendment No.1 has been prepared by Apex Planning on behalf of Cedarville Pty Ltd and is being advertised for public review and submissions.

Structure Plans are documents that are prepared to coordinate land use, infrastructure and facilities in advance of development and subdivision in new urban areas. Proposed Amendment No.1 seeks approval to change the identified land use zone for Lot 500 (No.16) Anstey Road, Forrestdale from Residential (density code of 25 dwellings per hectare) to Local Centre.

The Anstey Keane Urban Development Precinct East Structure Plan was originally approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on the 9 June 2020. The Structure Plan encompasses an approximate area of 113.7 hectare generally bound by Anstey Road, Keane Road, MacFarlane Road and Armadale Road. Proposed Amendment No.1 does not seek to modify any development standards or land use zones applicable to other lots in the Structure Plan area.

Plans and documents setting out and explaining the structure plan (including reports and technical appendices) currently advertised are available for viewing on this webpage. Alternatively, the documents have been deposited at the City of Armadale offices (7 Orchard Avenue, Armadale) and will be available for inspection 8.15am - 4.45pm Monday-Friday.

Submissions on the Structure Plan Amendment must be made in writing (refer below submission form), and can be lodged in person at the above address, via email to info@armadale.wa.gov.au or posted to Locked Bag No.2, Armadale 6992. Submissions are to include the Structure Plan Amendment name/reference number, the property affected, submitter name, address and details of the submission. Please refer to the City’s information sheet on ‘Writing a Submission on Planning and Development Proposals’ for further guidance; the information sheet can be accessed from this webpage.

Please note that the time periods allowed for submissions on the Structure Plan are prescribed by the State Government’s Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 and the City must adhere to these requirements. Submissions are to be lodged with the City on or before close of business on Thursday 1 June 2023.

Further, please note that the Structure Plan is being advertised to seek public comment on the proposal, and advertising does not necessarily indicate that the proposal will receive final support and/or approval from the City of Armadale or the WAPC.

Following review of submissions received during the advertising period the City will prepare a recommendation for the WAPC, who will make a determination on the Structure Plan.

Feedback closes: Thursday, 1 June 2023 at 4pm (AWST)

Proposed Structure Plan Amendment No. 1 – Anstey-Keane Urban Development Precinct East Structure Plan

The City of Armadale has received a proposed amendment (Amendment No.1) to the approved Anstey Keane Urban Development Precinct East Structure Plan. Proposed Amendment No.1 has been prepared by Apex Planning on behalf of Cedarville Pty Ltd and is being advertised for public review and submissions.

Structure Plans are documents that are prepared to coordinate land use, infrastructure and facilities in advance of development and subdivision in new urban areas. Proposed Amendment No.1 seeks approval to change the identified land use zone for Lot 500 (No.16) Anstey Road, Forrestdale from Residential (density code of 25 dwellings per hectare) to Local Centre.

The Anstey Keane Urban Development Precinct East Structure Plan was originally approved by the Western Australian Planning Commission on the 9 June 2020. The Structure Plan encompasses an approximate area of 113.7 hectare generally bound by Anstey Road, Keane Road, MacFarlane Road and Armadale Road. Proposed Amendment No.1 does not seek to modify any development standards or land use zones applicable to other lots in the Structure Plan area.

Plans and documents setting out and explaining the structure plan (including reports and technical appendices) currently advertised are available for viewing on this webpage. Alternatively, the documents have been deposited at the City of Armadale offices (7 Orchard Avenue, Armadale) and will be available for inspection 8.15am - 4.45pm Monday-Friday.

Submissions on the Structure Plan Amendment must be made in writing (refer below submission form), and can be lodged in person at the above address, via email to info@armadale.wa.gov.au or posted to Locked Bag No.2, Armadale 6992. Submissions are to include the Structure Plan Amendment name/reference number, the property affected, submitter name, address and details of the submission. Please refer to the City’s information sheet on ‘Writing a Submission on Planning and Development Proposals’ for further guidance; the information sheet can be accessed from this webpage.

Please note that the time periods allowed for submissions on the Structure Plan are prescribed by the State Government’s Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 and the City must adhere to these requirements. Submissions are to be lodged with the City on or before close of business on Thursday 1 June 2023.

Further, please note that the Structure Plan is being advertised to seek public comment on the proposal, and advertising does not necessarily indicate that the proposal will receive final support and/or approval from the City of Armadale or the WAPC.

Following review of submissions received during the advertising period the City will prepare a recommendation for the WAPC, who will make a determination on the Structure Plan.