Lot 851, No.131 Westfield Road, Camillo

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Submissions closed.

Feedback closes: Monday, 15 July 2024 at 4.00pm (AWST)

Development Application - Telecommunication Infrastructure - Lot 851, No.131 Westfield Road, Camillo

The City has received an application for the abovementioned proposal, which involves the following:

  • Installation of one (1) 29m tall (total height) monopole with associated telecommunications infrastructure, including:

    • Installation of 25m monopole at rear of existing shopping centre;

    • 14.35m by 3.6m fenced compound area;

    • Installation of fifteen (15) new 4G and 5G antennas;

    • Installation of twenty-six (26) radio remote units;

    • Installation of equipment cabinets to house base station equipment located at base of monopole; and

    • Installation of cabling and ancillary equipment as required.

  • Access to the proposed monopole site is via the existing service laneway to the rear of the shopping centre

As an adjoining or nearby landowner, the proposal has been referred to you for comment. Should you wish to make comment please complete the online submission form or email info@armadale.wa.gov.au no later than 15 July 2024.

Should you have any queries regarding this proposal, please contact Ms Jackie Farmer from the City’s Planning Services on 08 9394 5000.

Feedback closes: Monday, 15 July 2024 at 4.00pm (AWST)

Development Application - Telecommunication Infrastructure - Lot 851, No.131 Westfield Road, Camillo

The City has received an application for the abovementioned proposal, which involves the following:

  • Installation of one (1) 29m tall (total height) monopole with associated telecommunications infrastructure, including:

    • Installation of 25m monopole at rear of existing shopping centre;

    • 14.35m by 3.6m fenced compound area;

    • Installation of fifteen (15) new 4G and 5G antennas;

    • Installation of twenty-six (26) radio remote units;

    • Installation of equipment cabinets to house base station equipment located at base of monopole; and

    • Installation of cabling and ancillary equipment as required.

  • Access to the proposed monopole site is via the existing service laneway to the rear of the shopping centre

As an adjoining or nearby landowner, the proposal has been referred to you for comment. Should you wish to make comment please complete the online submission form or email info@armadale.wa.gov.au no later than 15 July 2024.

Should you have any queries regarding this proposal, please contact Ms Jackie Farmer from the City’s Planning Services on 08 9394 5000.