Lot 65, No. 7 Rokewood Way Karragullen

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Submissions closed.

Feedback closes: Monday, 08 January 2024 at 4.00pm (AWST)

Development Application - Cool Storage and Fruit Packing Facility - Lot 65, No. 7 Rokewood Way Karragullen

The City has received an application for the abovementioned proposal, which involves the following:

  1. The construction of a purpose-built facility for the cool storage and packaging of fruit produce. The facility will provide these services to local fruit -producers and those from throughout Western Australia.
  1. The building is proposed to be located on the western side of Lot 7. The eastern portion of the site will remain as bushland. The applicant proposes to retain a greater number of mature native trees around the building in comparison to previous proposals for the site.
  1. The building is proposed to be approximately 5274m2 in area with a maximum wall height of 8.0m and a maximum roof pitch height of 12.0m.
  1. Vehicle access is proposed to be from Old Station Road and Canning Road. 46 onsite parking bays are proposed.
  1. The facility is forecast to have 15 to 30 staff onsite at any given time and operate 24 hours a day.
  1. The applicant has provided supporting documentation including a Bushfire Management Plan, Landscape Plan, Transport Impact Assessment and Acoustic Assessment.

Should you wish to make comment please complete the attached submission form and return it to this office no later than: 8 January 2024

Please note that the City of Armadale will not be the determining authority for this application. The application has been submitted to the State Government’s Metro Outer Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP). The City will submit an overall recommendation to the JDAP on conclusion of advertising and its assessment of the application.

Submissions can be submitted to info@armadale.wa.gov.au. Should you have any queries regarding this proposal, please contact Mr Chris Valentine from the City’s Planning Services on (08) 9394 5405.

Feedback closes: Monday, 08 January 2024 at 4.00pm (AWST)

Development Application - Cool Storage and Fruit Packing Facility - Lot 65, No. 7 Rokewood Way Karragullen

The City has received an application for the abovementioned proposal, which involves the following:

  1. The construction of a purpose-built facility for the cool storage and packaging of fruit produce. The facility will provide these services to local fruit -producers and those from throughout Western Australia.
  1. The building is proposed to be located on the western side of Lot 7. The eastern portion of the site will remain as bushland. The applicant proposes to retain a greater number of mature native trees around the building in comparison to previous proposals for the site.
  1. The building is proposed to be approximately 5274m2 in area with a maximum wall height of 8.0m and a maximum roof pitch height of 12.0m.
  1. Vehicle access is proposed to be from Old Station Road and Canning Road. 46 onsite parking bays are proposed.
  1. The facility is forecast to have 15 to 30 staff onsite at any given time and operate 24 hours a day.
  1. The applicant has provided supporting documentation including a Bushfire Management Plan, Landscape Plan, Transport Impact Assessment and Acoustic Assessment.

Should you wish to make comment please complete the attached submission form and return it to this office no later than: 8 January 2024

Please note that the City of Armadale will not be the determining authority for this application. The application has been submitted to the State Government’s Metro Outer Joint Development Assessment Panel (JDAP). The City will submit an overall recommendation to the JDAP on conclusion of advertising and its assessment of the application.

Submissions can be submitted to info@armadale.wa.gov.au. Should you have any queries regarding this proposal, please contact Mr Chris Valentine from the City’s Planning Services on (08) 9394 5405.