Lot 57 65 Banyard Avenue Kelmscott

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Submissions closed.

Feedback closes: Friday, 17 November 2023 at 4.00pm (AWST)

Development Application - Multiple Dwellings - Retaining Wall Heights - Lot 57 65 Banyard Avenue Kelmscott

The City has received an application for the abovementioned proposal, which involves the following:

  1. The construction of six multiple dwellings. One two storey building and four single storey dwellings are proposed.
  2. Retaining wall works abutting your shared property boundary that exceed the automatically compliant 0.5m in height from the existing natural ground level. The proposal incorporates varying wall heights from below 0.5m to maximum heights per each side boundary as follows:

North-east side – 0.89m;

South-west side – 1.01m; and

Rear boundary – 1.01m.

The proposed retaining walls height variations are located towards the rear of the property only, with levels at the front boundary matching neighbouring ground levels.

The retaining walls must be constructed within the subject property and new fencing must be placed on the higher side of the boundary.

Should you wish to make comment please complete the attached submission form and return it to this office no later than:17 November 2023. Submissions can be submitted to info@armadale.wa.gov.au.

Should you have any queries regarding this proposal, please contact Mr Chris Valentine from the City’s Planning Services on 08 9394 5405.

Feedback closes: Friday, 17 November 2023 at 4.00pm (AWST)

Development Application - Multiple Dwellings - Retaining Wall Heights - Lot 57 65 Banyard Avenue Kelmscott

The City has received an application for the abovementioned proposal, which involves the following:

  1. The construction of six multiple dwellings. One two storey building and four single storey dwellings are proposed.
  2. Retaining wall works abutting your shared property boundary that exceed the automatically compliant 0.5m in height from the existing natural ground level. The proposal incorporates varying wall heights from below 0.5m to maximum heights per each side boundary as follows:

North-east side – 0.89m;

South-west side – 1.01m; and

Rear boundary – 1.01m.

The proposed retaining walls height variations are located towards the rear of the property only, with levels at the front boundary matching neighbouring ground levels.

The retaining walls must be constructed within the subject property and new fencing must be placed on the higher side of the boundary.

Should you wish to make comment please complete the attached submission form and return it to this office no later than:17 November 2023. Submissions can be submitted to info@armadale.wa.gov.au.

Should you have any queries regarding this proposal, please contact Mr Chris Valentine from the City’s Planning Services on 08 9394 5405.