Let's Connect Armadale Expo

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Consultation has concluded

Let's Connect Armadale Expo is back for 2024! 

Come and join us for a day of community connection and empowerment at this FREE Expo! Explore essential services, gather valuable information, and network with dedicated service providers committed to supporting our community. We've got numerous community service providers with a host of information about a wide variety of service areas, including employment; youth, children and family; disability; seniors; multicultural; Aboriginal; health and wellbeing; emergency relief and crisis support; and volunteering.

📅 Friday 5 April 2024

⌚ 10am - 3pm

📍 Armadale Recreation Centre/Arena, 4 Townley Street, Armadale

Community Presentations

Throughout the day, we're excited to be hosting a number of community presentations to help you get the most out of your visit. This year's presentation topics are:

🧡 Accessing Health and Disability Services – Know Your Rights

🧡 Self-Care 101

🧡 Financial Education

🧡 Support for Families

🧡 Demystifying Aged Care Services

🧡 Growing Community Connections

🧡 Dealing with Centrelink

🚌 Check out the route for the FREE shuttle bus here ➡️

✋ Check out our stallholders here ➡️

Let's Connect Armadale Expo is back for 2024! 

Come and join us for a day of community connection and empowerment at this FREE Expo! Explore essential services, gather valuable information, and network with dedicated service providers committed to supporting our community. We've got numerous community service providers with a host of information about a wide variety of service areas, including employment; youth, children and family; disability; seniors; multicultural; Aboriginal; health and wellbeing; emergency relief and crisis support; and volunteering.

📅 Friday 5 April 2024

⌚ 10am - 3pm

📍 Armadale Recreation Centre/Arena, 4 Townley Street, Armadale

Community Presentations

Throughout the day, we're excited to be hosting a number of community presentations to help you get the most out of your visit. This year's presentation topics are:

🧡 Accessing Health and Disability Services – Know Your Rights

🧡 Self-Care 101

🧡 Financial Education

🧡 Support for Families

🧡 Demystifying Aged Care Services

🧡 Growing Community Connections

🧡 Dealing with Centrelink

🚌 Check out the route for the FREE shuttle bus here ➡️

✋ Check out our stallholders here ➡️

  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for joining us at the Let's Connect Armadale Expo 2024. Your feedback is invaluable to us to help ensure the event continues to meet your needs.

    Please fill out our short survey to go in the draw to win a $100 Coles voucher.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Let's Connect Expo: Attendee Feedback on Facebook Share Let's Connect Expo: Attendee Feedback on Twitter Share Let's Connect Expo: Attendee Feedback on Linkedin Email Let's Connect Expo: Attendee Feedback link
  • CLOSED: This survey has concluded.

    Thank you for your attendance at the Let's Connect Armadale Expo for 2024. The event simply wouldn't be possible without your input.

    We would appreciate it if you could take the time to complete this short survey. Your feedback is invaluable to us to help ensure the success of the event in the future.

    Consultation has concluded
    Share Let's Connect Expo: Stallholder Feedback on Facebook Share Let's Connect Expo: Stallholder Feedback on Twitter Share Let's Connect Expo: Stallholder Feedback on Linkedin Email Let's Connect Expo: Stallholder Feedback link