Habitat Links

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Residents within the City of Armadale now have the opportunity to receive free native seedlings and the support of a dedicated Habitat Links Officer to help improve biodiversity and the health of the City’s treasured natural environment through the recently launched Habitat Links program.

Landowners whose properties are zoned as Special Residential, Rural Living or General Rural (under the City of Armadale’s Town Planning Scheme No. 4), and that contain or are adjacent to priority conservation value bushland, wetlands, and watercourses may be eligible to receive native seedlings and ongoing support around the development and implementation of revegetation and habitat creation projects.

Participants of the program will also receive technical advice to help with:

Native plant species selection

Planting techniques to give seedlings a greater chance of survival

Weed management

Feral animal management

Creating wildlife habitat

Erosion management

Environmental monitoring

If you would like further information or if you believe you are eligible and would like to do your bit for the environment, register your expression of interest below.

For more information, contact via email habitatlinks@armadale.wa.gov.au or phone (08) 9394 5000

Residents within the City of Armadale now have the opportunity to receive free native seedlings and the support of a dedicated Habitat Links Officer to help improve biodiversity and the health of the City’s treasured natural environment through the recently launched Habitat Links program.

Landowners whose properties are zoned as Special Residential, Rural Living or General Rural (under the City of Armadale’s Town Planning Scheme No. 4), and that contain or are adjacent to priority conservation value bushland, wetlands, and watercourses may be eligible to receive native seedlings and ongoing support around the development and implementation of revegetation and habitat creation projects.

Participants of the program will also receive technical advice to help with:

Native plant species selection

Planting techniques to give seedlings a greater chance of survival

Weed management

Feral animal management

Creating wildlife habitat

Erosion management

Environmental monitoring

If you would like further information or if you believe you are eligible and would like to do your bit for the environment, register your expression of interest below.

For more information, contact via email habitatlinks@armadale.wa.gov.au or phone (08) 9394 5000

  • Interested participants should do an initial survey below to determine the extent of the rabbit problem on your property. Before completing this survey, we suggest you look at these Pre-Survey Questions here to ensure you have all the required information.


    In September 2024, the Armadale City Council endorsed a Rabbit Management Plan (RMP). The RMP includes a pilot program to control rabbits in both priority conservation areas and in some participating Habitat Links properties. The City is currently seeking contactor assistance to deliver some elements of the RMP in Autumn 2025. 

    Concurrently, the City of Armadale is seeking Expressions of Interest from Habitat Links participants/properties, preferably within 2 km of Bungendore Park, Armadale Settlers Common and Roley Pools, to participate in the pilot rabbit control program.

    Participants will be engaged by City officers to support joining the pilot program and then contacted by an independent contractor at the works stage. The contractor will release rabbit hemorrhagic disease virus (Korean variant RHDV1-K5) on each property, on two occasions, mixed into sliced carrots and spread on the ground. The contractor will also assist in fumigation of any warrens, if they are located by the participant. 

    More information about the control of rabbits can be found at Rabbit biocontrol: RHDV1 K5 national release | Agriculture and Food

    1. Any pet rabbits will need to be vaccinated at the cost of the rabbit owner. 
    2. RHDV K5  can be fatal to pet rabbits. More information about vaccination of pet rabbits can be found at: Pet rabbits and RHDV.  Pet Rabbits must be vaccinated. 

              RHDV K5 is not harmful to humans, other domestic pets, or native wildlife.

    🌿 When: Autumn 2025 – Each baiting event to occur approximately 2 weeks apart

    🌿 How: Contractor will deploy baiting program and carry out fumigation of warrens

    🌳 Required Commitment from Landholder:

    1. Pre-survey (indicating the scale of the problem at your property - # rabbits sighted, # warrens, impact on seedlings)
    2. Sign an agreement to participate
    3. Commit to pre-feeding the rabbits at the agreed target sites on your property for 2-4 weeks prior to the release of the virus
    4. Allow access to your property for contractor to lay RDV1-K5 baits on your property in Autumn 2025 on two occasions, approximately 2 weeks apart.
    5. Allow access to your property for contractor to fumigate rabbit warrens on your property
    6. Commit to post survey monitoring – may include remote cameras, spotlighting - rabbit number counts.
    7. Commit to follow up traditional control (e.g. warren destruction, removal of areas that harbor rabbits) to remove virus-resistant rabbits.

    📅 Expression of Interest including the pre-survey to indicate the scale of the rabbit issue at your property to be submitted by Sunday 1 December 2024.

    Take Survey
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  • Thank you for your interest in the City of Armadale's Habitat Links program. To register for the program, please complete the following form. The Habitat Links Officer will then confirm your eligibility get in touch. If eligible, a site visit will be organised to discuss your revegetation and habitat creation project.

    We look forward to hearing from you!

    Take Survey
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Page last updated: 26 Nov 2024, 11:19 AM