Guerin Park Restoration

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On Saturday 4 November 2023, Mason Green Park (also known as Guerin Park) in Piara Waters was ravaged by fire, destroying the children's playground, the boardwalk through the natural areas, and causing significant damage to the large paperbark next to the playground. Thanks to the quick work of local residents and DFES, the fire was contained later that afternoon and the City was able to begin to assess the damage on Sunday 5 November.

Extensive damage was caused to the park, including to the trees and vegetation, boardwalks, playground and equipment, irrigation, and other items like pathways and playground fencing. The City has worked hard to rehabilitate the area and prepare it for rejuvenation, engaging specialists including structural engineers and an independent tree specialist to assess the damaged trees and make recommendations on the best way to care for them.

After discussion with residents and homeowners directly adjacent to the park, preparations have begun for the multi-stage restoration of this much-loved local park.

Phase One - Complete

With safety the City's number one priority, the large, dead paperbark tree bordering the BBQ and seating area must be removed. After assessment by an independent tree specialist, this tree was deemed unsafe and unable to remain in the ground. We are working to identify and secure a mature tree to replace it. We will remove the tree very carefully and, depending on the extent of the internal damage, we are hoping we can repurpose the trunk of the tree elsewhere in the City.

Local residents have also requested more seating areas throughout the park, which will be placed during this initial phase and phase two.

Phase Two

Phase Two focuses primarily on the redevelopment of the playground. Residents and park users were clear on their request to have shade sails installed as part of this upgrade, which the City is including it its plans.

Phase two will include the restoration of the park's boardwalk. We are currently working to secure a date for this phase, but completion in winter is anticipated. For this process, some parts will need to be fabricated offsite, with the timber decking and rail installation to follow.

Phase Three

Many WA species will naturally regenerate after the fire, and have already begun to do so. The City will continue to monitor the progress of the park's natural regeneration over the coming months. The results of this monitoring will inform if further revegetation is required.

On Saturday 4 November 2023, Mason Green Park (also known as Guerin Park) in Piara Waters was ravaged by fire, destroying the children's playground, the boardwalk through the natural areas, and causing significant damage to the large paperbark next to the playground. Thanks to the quick work of local residents and DFES, the fire was contained later that afternoon and the City was able to begin to assess the damage on Sunday 5 November.

Extensive damage was caused to the park, including to the trees and vegetation, boardwalks, playground and equipment, irrigation, and other items like pathways and playground fencing. The City has worked hard to rehabilitate the area and prepare it for rejuvenation, engaging specialists including structural engineers and an independent tree specialist to assess the damaged trees and make recommendations on the best way to care for them.

After discussion with residents and homeowners directly adjacent to the park, preparations have begun for the multi-stage restoration of this much-loved local park.

Phase One - Complete

With safety the City's number one priority, the large, dead paperbark tree bordering the BBQ and seating area must be removed. After assessment by an independent tree specialist, this tree was deemed unsafe and unable to remain in the ground. We are working to identify and secure a mature tree to replace it. We will remove the tree very carefully and, depending on the extent of the internal damage, we are hoping we can repurpose the trunk of the tree elsewhere in the City.

Local residents have also requested more seating areas throughout the park, which will be placed during this initial phase and phase two.

Phase Two

Phase Two focuses primarily on the redevelopment of the playground. Residents and park users were clear on their request to have shade sails installed as part of this upgrade, which the City is including it its plans.

Phase two will include the restoration of the park's boardwalk. We are currently working to secure a date for this phase, but completion in winter is anticipated. For this process, some parts will need to be fabricated offsite, with the timber decking and rail installation to follow.

Phase Three

Many WA species will naturally regenerate after the fire, and have already begun to do so. The City will continue to monitor the progress of the park's natural regeneration over the coming months. The results of this monitoring will inform if further revegetation is required.

Page last updated: 09 May 2024, 12:29 PM