Growing Our Community 2023 - 2026

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The City of Armadale recently conducted the Growing our Community resident survey to help inform our Social Priorities for the next three years.

Between 1 February and 31 March 2023, 1,411 residents of the City of Armadale participated in the survey that asked:

  1. What do you love about your suburb?
  2. What do you think is the biggest social issue in your suburb?

The responses helped identify the best aspects of living in each suburb and social issues of greatest concern to residents living in those suburbs.

Residents spoke about a wide variety of things they love about the suburb in which they live. Some responses were consistent across the city. The top responses were that residents love the natural environment and being close to nature (whether in their suburb or nearby), feeling a sense of community within their neighbourhood, being close to necessary facilities such as shops, medical services, and the geographic location providing access to major transport options to other areas.

There were some more suburb- specific responses with some residents of older, established suburbs of Camillo, Forrestdale, Mt Nasura, Mt Richon stating they loved the larger block sizes, and the suburbs of Bedfordale, Champion Lakes, Forrestdale, Hilbert, Mt Nasura, Mt Richon, Roleystone / Karragullen identifying their suburbs as peaceful or relaxed.

A social issue is a common problem affecting a group of people and residents were asked to tell us what they think are the big social issues in their suburb. Residents in most suburbs identified Crime and Anti-social behaviour as their largest concerns. The next biggest response was wanting more community facilities and services, particularly for youth.

Other perceived issues included disengaged young people, the effects of alcohol and other drugs, homelessness and housing, and poverty and unemployment.

What are we doing with the survey results?

The City combined these survey results with information received from local staff of community and government support services and local Census data, police crime statistics and the results of the Australian Early Development Census, to identify to social priorities for the City for the next three years. Using a Community Development approach, the City aims to empower residents to meet their aspirations and respond to areas of concern. The following four priority areas have been identified:

  1. Children, Young People & Families living in the suburbs of Armadale, Brookdale, Camillo, Harrisdale and Piara Waters: supporting organisations that work with families and young people, providing parent education on important topics, and supporting activities for families to connect with others. This also includes supporting the Armadale Youth Advisory Council.
  2. Home and Community Safety for residents of all suburbs: working with community groups and the WA Police on projects that prevent and respond to crimes in the home and community, including child safety, and Family and Domestic Violence, through community education and resourcing.
  3. Access to Essential Supports for people living in the suburbs of Armadale: supporting residents access health and welfare services through information sharing and promotion, including for residents experiencing homelessness, food security and other financial crises.
  4. Neighbourhood and Community Connections in the suburbs of Harrisdale, Haynes and Piara Waters: building social connections between residents through community capacity building activities such as Town Teams, Residents Associations, community barbeques, and informal contact groups and activities. This also includes supporting groups of specific interest such as the Multicultural Advisory Group and activities for isolated older people.

How can you get involved?

We want to work with local champions, community groups, organisations and businesses to address social issues. Funding will also be available through the Social Priority Service agreements for businesses and groups who can deliver activities to address the social priorities. If you have an interest in any of these areas please contact the Community Development Team.

The City of Armadale recently conducted the Growing our Community resident survey to help inform our Social Priorities for the next three years.

Between 1 February and 31 March 2023, 1,411 residents of the City of Armadale participated in the survey that asked:

  1. What do you love about your suburb?
  2. What do you think is the biggest social issue in your suburb?

The responses helped identify the best aspects of living in each suburb and social issues of greatest concern to residents living in those suburbs.

Residents spoke about a wide variety of things they love about the suburb in which they live. Some responses were consistent across the city. The top responses were that residents love the natural environment and being close to nature (whether in their suburb or nearby), feeling a sense of community within their neighbourhood, being close to necessary facilities such as shops, medical services, and the geographic location providing access to major transport options to other areas.

There were some more suburb- specific responses with some residents of older, established suburbs of Camillo, Forrestdale, Mt Nasura, Mt Richon stating they loved the larger block sizes, and the suburbs of Bedfordale, Champion Lakes, Forrestdale, Hilbert, Mt Nasura, Mt Richon, Roleystone / Karragullen identifying their suburbs as peaceful or relaxed.

A social issue is a common problem affecting a group of people and residents were asked to tell us what they think are the big social issues in their suburb. Residents in most suburbs identified Crime and Anti-social behaviour as their largest concerns. The next biggest response was wanting more community facilities and services, particularly for youth.

Other perceived issues included disengaged young people, the effects of alcohol and other drugs, homelessness and housing, and poverty and unemployment.

What are we doing with the survey results?

The City combined these survey results with information received from local staff of community and government support services and local Census data, police crime statistics and the results of the Australian Early Development Census, to identify to social priorities for the City for the next three years. Using a Community Development approach, the City aims to empower residents to meet their aspirations and respond to areas of concern. The following four priority areas have been identified:

  1. Children, Young People & Families living in the suburbs of Armadale, Brookdale, Camillo, Harrisdale and Piara Waters: supporting organisations that work with families and young people, providing parent education on important topics, and supporting activities for families to connect with others. This also includes supporting the Armadale Youth Advisory Council.
  2. Home and Community Safety for residents of all suburbs: working with community groups and the WA Police on projects that prevent and respond to crimes in the home and community, including child safety, and Family and Domestic Violence, through community education and resourcing.
  3. Access to Essential Supports for people living in the suburbs of Armadale: supporting residents access health and welfare services through information sharing and promotion, including for residents experiencing homelessness, food security and other financial crises.
  4. Neighbourhood and Community Connections in the suburbs of Harrisdale, Haynes and Piara Waters: building social connections between residents through community capacity building activities such as Town Teams, Residents Associations, community barbeques, and informal contact groups and activities. This also includes supporting groups of specific interest such as the Multicultural Advisory Group and activities for isolated older people.

How can you get involved?

We want to work with local champions, community groups, organisations and businesses to address social issues. Funding will also be available through the Social Priority Service agreements for businesses and groups who can deliver activities to address the social priorities. If you have an interest in any of these areas please contact the Community Development Team.

Growing our Feedback

Do you have any further feedback you would like to share with us? Do you have ideas that support the community to address social issues?

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Delamere way Camillo seems to have many quite rundown houses with a level of anti social behaviour. Drug abuse, the use of offroad motorcycles and unregistered cars. Trashed properties etc. All of which are linked to department of housing.
Makes the street very untidy and uncomfortable for the general residents.

Family Guy 11 months ago
Page last updated: 09 Apr 2024, 09:10 PM