55 Talus Drive Mount Richon

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Feedback closes: Wednesday, 12 March 2025 at 4.00pm (AWST)

Application for Development Approval - Single House / Outbuilding / Patio / Retaining Walls, Lot: 6, No.55 Talus Drive Mount Richon

The City has received an application which involves a Single House, Outbuilding for Detached Garage/Storage, Patio and Retaining Walls at the above mentioned property. The proposal includes the following variations:

1. To the City’s Town Planning Scheme No.4, proposing cut and fill greater than 500mm for retaining walls;

2. To the City’s Local Planning Policy 3.4 – Outbuildings proposing a combined garage and storage outbuilding with a floor area of 12 x 13m (156m2) in lieu of 100m2, and

3. To the Residential Design Codes Volume 1, proposing the dwelling’s total building height of 10.4m from natural ground level in lieu of 8m for a skillion roof.

As an adjoining or nearby landowner, the proposal has been referred to you for comment. Should you wish to make comment please complete the attached submission form and return it to this office no later than 12 March 2025.

Further details are available for viewing at the City’s Administration Building between the hours of 8:15am and 4:45pm Monday to Friday. Submissions can be submitted to info@armadale.wa.gov.au.

Should you have any queries regarding this proposal, please contact Karen Colli from the City's Planning Services on 9394 5808 or via email: kcolli@armadale.wa.gov.au

Feedback closes: Wednesday, 12 March 2025 at 4.00pm (AWST)

Application for Development Approval - Single House / Outbuilding / Patio / Retaining Walls, Lot: 6, No.55 Talus Drive Mount Richon

The City has received an application which involves a Single House, Outbuilding for Detached Garage/Storage, Patio and Retaining Walls at the above mentioned property. The proposal includes the following variations:

1. To the City’s Town Planning Scheme No.4, proposing cut and fill greater than 500mm for retaining walls;

2. To the City’s Local Planning Policy 3.4 – Outbuildings proposing a combined garage and storage outbuilding with a floor area of 12 x 13m (156m2) in lieu of 100m2, and

3. To the Residential Design Codes Volume 1, proposing the dwelling’s total building height of 10.4m from natural ground level in lieu of 8m for a skillion roof.

As an adjoining or nearby landowner, the proposal has been referred to you for comment. Should you wish to make comment please complete the attached submission form and return it to this office no later than 12 March 2025.

Further details are available for viewing at the City’s Administration Building between the hours of 8:15am and 4:45pm Monday to Friday. Submissions can be submitted to info@armadale.wa.gov.au.

Should you have any queries regarding this proposal, please contact Karen Colli from the City's Planning Services on 9394 5808 or via email: kcolli@armadale.wa.gov.au

Page published: 26 Feb 2025, 01:24 PM