12 Sewell Street BEDFORDALE

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Submissions closed.

Feedback closes: Wednesday, 14 August 2024 at 4.00pm (AWST)

Application for Development Approval - Telecommunications Facility - 12 Sewell Street BEDFORDALE

The City has received an application which involves a telecommunications facility at the above mentioned property. The applicant proposes the following:

  1. Installation of one (1) 36.3m tall (total height) monopole with associated telecommunications infrastructure, including:
    1. Installation of 35m monopole at rear of the proposed:
    2. 8m x 6m fenced compound area (total 48m2 area compound);
    3. Installation of three (3) new 4G panel antennas, each up to 2.7m in length (attached to a headframe at top of monopole);
    4. Installation of three (3) Active Antenna Units (AAUs), each up to 80cm in length (attached to a headframe at top of monopole);
    5. Installation of one (1) outdoor equipment shelter [2.5 (w) x 3m (l) and 2.9m (h)]
    6. Ancillary equipment associated with operation and safety of the facility, including but not limited to remote radio units, cabling and GPS antenna
  2. Access to the proposed monopole site is via the existing service laneway to the corner of Sewell Street and Devonleigh Street.

The monopole and antennas are proposed to be finished in pale grey, and the cabinet is proposed to be finished in a non-reflective pale eucalypt.

The applicant has lodged the following documents as part of the proposal:

  • Development Plans
  • Planning Assessment Report
  • Photographic Montages
  • Environmental Electromagnetic Energy Report

As an adjoining or nearby landowner, the proposal has been referred to you for comment. Should you wish to make comment please complete the attached submission form and return it to this office no later than 14 August 2024.

Should you have any queries regarding this proposal, please contact Karen Colli from the City’s Planning Services on 08 9394 5808 or kcolli@armadale.wa.gov.au.

Feedback closes: Wednesday, 14 August 2024 at 4.00pm (AWST)

Application for Development Approval - Telecommunications Facility - 12 Sewell Street BEDFORDALE

The City has received an application which involves a telecommunications facility at the above mentioned property. The applicant proposes the following:

  1. Installation of one (1) 36.3m tall (total height) monopole with associated telecommunications infrastructure, including:
    1. Installation of 35m monopole at rear of the proposed:
    2. 8m x 6m fenced compound area (total 48m2 area compound);
    3. Installation of three (3) new 4G panel antennas, each up to 2.7m in length (attached to a headframe at top of monopole);
    4. Installation of three (3) Active Antenna Units (AAUs), each up to 80cm in length (attached to a headframe at top of monopole);
    5. Installation of one (1) outdoor equipment shelter [2.5 (w) x 3m (l) and 2.9m (h)]
    6. Ancillary equipment associated with operation and safety of the facility, including but not limited to remote radio units, cabling and GPS antenna
  2. Access to the proposed monopole site is via the existing service laneway to the corner of Sewell Street and Devonleigh Street.

The monopole and antennas are proposed to be finished in pale grey, and the cabinet is proposed to be finished in a non-reflective pale eucalypt.

The applicant has lodged the following documents as part of the proposal:

  • Development Plans
  • Planning Assessment Report
  • Photographic Montages
  • Environmental Electromagnetic Energy Report

As an adjoining or nearby landowner, the proposal has been referred to you for comment. Should you wish to make comment please complete the attached submission form and return it to this office no later than 14 August 2024.

Should you have any queries regarding this proposal, please contact Karen Colli from the City’s Planning Services on 08 9394 5808 or kcolli@armadale.wa.gov.au.